Key things to look for:
- Area – Council has rules relating to the minimum lot area for an empty site subdivision. Do you have enough area for at least two lots of the minimum size? Note: most Councils exclude driveways from that minimum area.
- A Comprehensive Development. The way to avoid the minimum lot size for empty lots is to include house designs with your application. You will get a higher density and a better overall subdivision. Contact us for more information.
- Access – Can you get vehicle access past existing houses and to each site? If your property already shares an access way, then the number of other users, the existing condition of the access, and passing bays are important to consider.
- Drainage – Where are the existing sewer and storm water connections to the property and are they low enough to serve a building on the additional lot? You can access public drainage information on line here.
- Trees – If there are significant trees on site, are they positioned away from possible building platforms and proposed driveways? Most Councils will require an arborist report if you are proposing to remove or impact on significant trees.
Subdivision is an involved process and for each lot created there must be a stable, flood free building site that is able to be serviced. Contact us for a comprehensive assessment of your property.
See our Use of Information Statement before taking further action.